Sunday, February 28, 2016

Update: Surgery, infection, anti-biotic reaction ugh!

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting lately things have been crazy with my health the past few weeks so here is what is going on.
I had the part 2 to my surgery last Friday and the surgery itself went well they found more adhesions cleaned that up and placed more barriers. However the recovery from that surgery was/has been pure hell! I was in the hospital 3 days, 2 nights. I was only suppose to be there 1 day. I was there longer than expected because my pain was severe and they couldn't get it under control. The second night I was screaming and crying practically all night because I felt like things were moving in me. My right ovary was hurting the worst it had ever hurt. Finally they got my pain somewhat under control good enough I was able to go home. This past week on Monday or Tuesday I noticed my belly button looking all red and lots of abnormal stuff was coming out of it. So on Friday I went to my doctors office and saw the nurse practitioner and she said I needed to start anti-biotic's. I started the medication on Friday afternoon and Friday night I started to experience all over body aches and swelling. We didn't know what could be causing that we thought maybe it was just a fluke and I would wake up the next day better. Well I woke up Saturday morning in even worse pain body ache wise. It hurts to walk, lift my arms to get dressed, sit for more than 5 minutes I could go on. I stopped the medication last night Saturday night and ever since I have been feeling the same if not worse. I have only been off it a day but still it's terrible being in so much pain. We are trying some stuff at home to hopefully help those side-effects and we are contacting the doctor tomorrow for a new anti-biotic and to see what they recommend to do for the reaction.
Adhesion pain wise since the surgery I have been doing okay. My right ovary hurts a ton and I am still having bowel issues but I am also still healing it has only been about a week so hopefully things will improve with time. And hopefully once this anti-biotic gets out of my system things will be much much better!
Thank you so much for reading! :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Surgery Update

Hi everyone, I just wanted to give an update on how my surgery went on Friday.

The surgery went well for the most part he was in there for a while again cutting down lots of adhesions. My left ovary all the way up to my spleen was covered in adhesions and that was a lot more than what was there 5 weeks ago which isn't good. He placed the barriers on my left ovary and left abdominal wall because those were the worst spots. I also had some adhesions on my colon and right side. This week I will be going in for another surgery on Friday for a second look to clean any additional adhesions up and place more barriers to hopefully give me a better outcome.

I have been feeling okay ever since the surgery, I am not doing great but I am not doing terrible. I am having a lot of post-op pain which is very normal for what my surgeon did on me. This next surgery will probably even increase my pain more for the next week or so because there opening me up once again but it should help in the long run.

I just wanted to let you all know how it went, please keep me in your prayers that this next surgery will be the one that works! We are all hoping and praying this will be the end to all of this.

Friday, February 5, 2016

2 more surgeries?

Hi everyone I wanted to update you all on how my scans went and what the next step in my treatment is.

The scans went well, the did end up finding something but nothing serious. My bowels were swollen/inflamed and there was some fluid in my pelvis which we were told the fluid in my pelvis could be normal due to me just having surgery about a month ago. My doctor personally called my mom and talked about treatment options. After thinking hard about what to so next we decided to do another set of back to back surgeries and they will be next Friday the 12th and the following Friday the 19th. If you don't know what this surgery is it is where they go in 1 week and remove adhesions place some barriers and then seven days later they go in again and remove any additional adhesions and place more barriers. The concept is this will stop the cycle of adhesion and the adhesions won't come back as bad or at all. I have done this surgery before back in March but did not have any barriers placed. We are hoping and praying for the best outcome, this wasn't an easy decision to make what so ever but since we have looked into all other options this was the best thing to do in my situation right now. This will be my 7th and 8th surgery I am so hoping I can get back to living my life after this. I know these next few weeks are not going to be easy what so ever but I am going to keep positive and keep pushing through it all and make the best of the situation.

Thank you for all of your sweet messages and comments on my last blog it was really encouraging to read. I will keep you all posted on how these surgeries go. I update my health regularly on my Instagram for my health so if you would like you can go follow me on there emilys_endolife. I will also try and write on here after both surgeries to keep everyone updated on how I am doing and how everything went :)