Sunday, February 28, 2016

Update: Surgery, infection, anti-biotic reaction ugh!

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been posting lately things have been crazy with my health the past few weeks so here is what is going on.
I had the part 2 to my surgery last Friday and the surgery itself went well they found more adhesions cleaned that up and placed more barriers. However the recovery from that surgery was/has been pure hell! I was in the hospital 3 days, 2 nights. I was only suppose to be there 1 day. I was there longer than expected because my pain was severe and they couldn't get it under control. The second night I was screaming and crying practically all night because I felt like things were moving in me. My right ovary was hurting the worst it had ever hurt. Finally they got my pain somewhat under control good enough I was able to go home. This past week on Monday or Tuesday I noticed my belly button looking all red and lots of abnormal stuff was coming out of it. So on Friday I went to my doctors office and saw the nurse practitioner and she said I needed to start anti-biotic's. I started the medication on Friday afternoon and Friday night I started to experience all over body aches and swelling. We didn't know what could be causing that we thought maybe it was just a fluke and I would wake up the next day better. Well I woke up Saturday morning in even worse pain body ache wise. It hurts to walk, lift my arms to get dressed, sit for more than 5 minutes I could go on. I stopped the medication last night Saturday night and ever since I have been feeling the same if not worse. I have only been off it a day but still it's terrible being in so much pain. We are trying some stuff at home to hopefully help those side-effects and we are contacting the doctor tomorrow for a new anti-biotic and to see what they recommend to do for the reaction.
Adhesion pain wise since the surgery I have been doing okay. My right ovary hurts a ton and I am still having bowel issues but I am also still healing it has only been about a week so hopefully things will improve with time. And hopefully once this anti-biotic gets out of my system things will be much much better!
Thank you so much for reading! :)

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